The new feature ‘Avatars’ from WhatsApp has been out which allows users to make a digital representation of themselves. The instant messaging company owned by Meta had previously rolled out the Bitmoji-like feature to beta testers on Android and iOS.
The feature which is now making its way to all users as part of a full-scale roll out, will allow users to personalize their digital representation from a combination of hairstyle, facial features, and outfits. The feature by WhatsApp has 36 custom stickers that will reflect different emotions and actions. A user can set an avatar as their profile photo or use them as stickers.
Meta says that these stickers will be available in 36 versions of popular emojis and actions, and that they could provide users with a fast and fun way to share feelings with friends and family. The first personalized avatars were created by Bitstrips and were used on social media by Snapchat.
Instagram, also owned by Meta, previously added the avatar feature just like Facebook and Facebook Messenger. The same set of models that are available on other Meta-owned apps for Bitmoji-like 3D avatars are available in the WhatsApp feature.
The company wants to serve avatars as a mode for fun and creative expression as well as a privacy feature. An avatar can be a great way to represent yourself without using your real photo. To access the feature, users need to update their phone to the latest version and then navigate to the settings.
Future enhancements will include lighting, shading, hairstyle texture, and more that will improve the experience.