HMD Global has announced that the Nokia X10 and Nokia X20 will get an update to Android 13. The update to the latest version of the Android operating system will be rolled out to five phones; Nokia XR20 5G, Nokia G50 5G, Nokia G11 Plus, Nokia X20 5G, and Nokia X10 5G.
The first phones in the company’s lineup to receive the update are the two low end phones, the Nokia X10 and Nokia X20, along with the latest firmware version, security patches and a handful of new features.
Gizmochina has reported that the Android 13 update for the Nokia X10 and Nokia X20 has arrived with a firmware version V3.270 along with the Google’s November security patch. With the new Android 13 update to Nokia X10 and Nokia X20, new themed app icons are available to match the color and tone of the wallpaper set by the user.
The update will allow the users access to features such as a new photo picker, a new notification permission for apps, and new multimedia controls. Nokia is planning to roll out Android 13 update to the Nokia X30 5G, Nokia C31, and Nokia G60 5G was launched in September earlier this year at IFA 2022.